Have you ever stopped to think about why Jesus was willing to go to the cross? Why would he choose to leave Heaven, become a man, deal with the physical, emotional and mental anguish and pain that He endured during … Continue reading
Have you ever stopped to think about why Jesus was willing to go to the cross? Why would he choose to leave Heaven, become a man, deal with the physical, emotional and mental anguish and pain that He endured during … Continue reading
I don’t know how many years it has been since I first stumbled upon Ann Voskamp’s corner of the internet, but her words made a big impact on my life that still continues today. While I have not been counting … Continue reading
According to my mother, I was an easy child to parent. Until I wasn’t…and that happened around the age of 12. That’s when the challenge of parenting me began…from my mom’s perspective. I’d never really taken the time to think … Continue reading
A few years ago, God laid a new project on my heart. A completely out-of-the-box project unlike and larger than anything I’d ever done. It was my first heart project…and so far, my only heart project. Beautiful Worship is a Christian … Continue reading
Slowing down Christmas. What does that even mean? How is it even possible? Christmas is my favorite time of year. Yet, it never seems to last long enough. Time always passes too quickly, but Christmas seems to pass the quickest. … Continue reading
Longsuffering. The very word doesn’t sound enjoyable. It sounds like a challenge. One that we might not want to take part in. However, showing forth longsuffering in our homes is essential to our relationships with those we love. I’ve heard … Continue reading
Man’s choices in the Garden of Eden will last through the end of time. His fall caused great changes to the world that the Lord had made. What once was a perfect paradise became a harbor for sin. Man opened … Continue reading
How often do we look for peace in our homes throughout our days? As a mom, I know that once my day has ended that is just what I’m for. Peace…and a lot of quiet too. However, that isn’t the … Continue reading
The repentance of God. That is something that had never crossed my mind. How can a God who is perfect have anything to repent? I found myself reading those very words while doing my Bible study recently. They took me … Continue reading
Every family knows that having joy in our homes is important. Without it, our homes are not a place that anyone would want to be. Joy is such a small word, but what a great impact it can make on … Continue reading