Living a life of faith is not always easy. It requires that you learn to accept not being able to see beyond the step that you are currently on, the end of the path you’re taking or the obstacles along the way. In order to live by faith you must be willing to walk into the unknown time and time again.
While living by faith can be challenging, it truly is a privilege that we take for granted. We do not have to wonder what the meaning or purpose of life is, we know what happens next because of Christ. What we often do not take time to consider and recognize is that it is also because of Christ that we have the opportunity in this life to live by faith.
We can live by faith because of love…Christ’s love for us.
Paul recognized that it was Christ living in him that allowed him to live by faith. He knew that it was his sins that hung Jesus on the cross of Calvary. It was Jesus’ love for him…and for us that gives us the gift of living by faith.
No matter where we are in our lives today, we have the same choice to make that Paul did. Will we identify ourselves with Christ on the Cross? It was you and I that should have been hanging on the tree. Nevertheless, we live because Christ loves us and gave Himself for us. Now He lives within us and because of that we have the choice to live by faith…because of love.
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Will Christ’s love and sacrifice be for naught or will we choose to live by faith taking each step along life’s way as they come?
As a planner, choosing to live by faith is hard for me to do. I like to know where I am going and why before I even begin a journey. Yet, that is not how God desires us to live. He wants us to live by faith, trusting Him to guide us each step of the way.
If we do not trust the Lord and have faith that He is going to see us through, who knows what amazing things we might miss that He had planned for us. We may not be able to see what God’s plans are for us, but we can rest assured that God is a planner. He knows exactly what path we’re on and why we’re on it. He doesn’t send us on a wild goose chase, there is a purpose for each and every path that God directs us to take.
Over the last few years God has taken me on several paths to teach me to live life without plans in place. At first it was very hard to let go of my OCD, over the top planning nature, but I’ve grown to truly enjoy being able to take on each day as it comes. I’ve found that trusting God to direct me throughout the course of my days has brought me peace that I haven’t had before.
My desire to live by faith is only deepened when I consider that it is Christ’s love for me that makes it possible.
Will you join me? Choose to live by faith today and see what God can do when His plans are the only ones in place!
This post was written as part of my personal study through the book of Galatians. You’ll find chapter one’s post in the study here.
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